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About Us

·610 words·3 mins

Introduction #

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
	// printf() displays the string inside quotation
	printf("Welcome to MonSec!\n");

Welcome to MonSec! We are Monash University’s student-run and industry-supported cybersecurity club. Based in the Clayton campus, we are one of the largest cybersecurity student clubs in Melbourne. Our goal is to make cybersecurity accessible and engaging to everyone, regardless of skill level. To do this, we run weekly workshops that emphasise practical skills and collaborate with industry partners to help students build their network and to gain insight into the field.

2022 Annual General Meeting
2022 Annual General Meeting

Our Activities #

Weekly ‘Homebrew’ Workshop #

Every Wednesday night, a member of the committee will run a workshop that focuses on a particular concept or tool. As well as covering relevant theory, the workshop will also teach students some key, practical skills associated with the topic. Our past topics have included web-based injection attacks, network forensics with Wireshark, reverse engineering with Ghidra and many others.

Moreover, all of our workshops have complimentary food and drinks for students, to keep everyone energised throughout! You can view our schedule here.

Weekly Industry Night #

On Monday nights, we invite one of our industry partners to give a guest presentation on a topic of their choice. We have had a wide range of topics, some technical and some career-focused, but all of them have been very informative and interesting. We are very grateful for all of our industry connections for giving their time to present to the students. If you are a cybersecurity professional (academic, corporate or otherwise) and are interested in collaborating with us, please reach out to us, using the details on the contact page.

School Programs #

Since 2024, we have started running a ‘school outreach program’, where members of the committee will go to a school and run a workshop, or a series of workshops, that aims to introduce students to different domains of cybersecurity in a beginner-friendly and engaging way. We have also given a number of guest workshops for Monash-hosted events, such as Open Day and for the National Youth Science Forum.

Our Stall at The 2023S1 Orientation Festival
Our Stall at The 2023S1 Orientation Festival

Competitions #

MonSec Beginner CTF #

The MonSec Beginner CTF is our very own annual CTF designed for beginners. It is usually held in Semester 1 and is a great chance for students to make new friends, hone their skills and have a chance at winning some prizes.

DownUnderCTF #

DownUnderCTF (DUCTF) is an international CTF competition that is targeted at secondary and tertiary students in Australia. We usually field at least one team every year and we encourage club members from different skill levels to team up to compete.

Other Competitions #

We also occasionally compete in other CTFs and competitions, such as picoCTF. If you are interested in competing with us, join our Discord to see what we’re up to and what we are currently competing in.

A Note for Monash University Students #

Monash University students who wish to join our competitive team need to adhere to the following requirements:

  • You must be enrolled in at least 1 unit at Monash University’s Clayton campus
  • You must be an official member of the club
  • You must register an expression of interest to join our competitive team, addressed to the club’s secretary
    • The expression of interest should be addressed to the secretary’s email address or Discord account, and it needs to include details necessary to verify your membership such as:
      • Your full name
      • Your Monash University student ID number
      • Your Monash University email address

Other #

  • We are registered as a non-for-profit organisation in Australia
  • We are planning to incorporate in September 2024
  • Our constitution is available here